Email your lawmakers today and encourage them to support SB 50 to create more housing affordability for all Californians, including our lowest income residents by creating more housing near transit, providing critical tenant protections, and increasing affordable housing opportunities for communities that have been historically harmed by exclusionary zoning.
We believe everyone deserves a safe, stable, affordable place to call home that allows their family to thrive.
By working with advocates like you we will share a future where low-income communities and communities of color can stay and prosper in the Bay Area and across our great state.
SB 50 will better protect longtime residents and their communities, save workers hours of commute time, and create more options for California families to find safe, stable, affordable homes.
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Sorry, this action for affordable housing is specific to state policy being considered by California lawmakers. That means we're not targeting any representatives in your district... But that doesn't mean you can't get involved! Follow us on Facebook or Twitter for news, updates, and opportunities to engage on affordable housing.
Learn more about NPH at www.nonprofithousing.org or visit our national partners at www.nlihc.org
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