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Dear NPH members and supporters,

For more than a year, NPH and NPH Action Fund have been at the center of a bold, ambitious strategy to advance our mission and vision for a Bay Area where everyone has a place to call home. In deep partnership and collaboration, we’ve made meaningful progress on our goals to pass structural reforms so communities can meet their housing needs and identify a path to secure region-wide funding for affordable housing at scale.

Yet, this week, our efforts hit major setbacks. On Wednesday, we joined our coalition partners and allies in supporting the Bay Area Housing Finance Authority’s difficult decision to remove RM4 from the November 2024 ballot, as they faced a series of serious and unfortunately-timed challenges that a small group of anti-housing and anti-government extremists lodged against them. These opponents exploited the courts system and electoral timeline to block housing progress from the 2024 ballot.

These actions resulted in a painful delay to our progress -- but delays should not be confused with defeat. NPH remains committed to identifying and advancing the best possible pathway to win housing solutions for our communities.

For November 2024, NPH Action Fund will deepen our focus on the statewide Proposition 5 effort to set a 55% voter threshold for affordable housing and public infrastructure bonds. This is a critical opportunity to change outdated rules and give local communities the tools they need to be able to invest in affordable housing.

NPH also continues our long-term work to strengthen our industry and advance big-picture, movement-building strategies to shift narratives, grow public support, and build the political will we need for our issues.

Transformative progress takes time and it takes determination. We are grateful for the partnership and support of our members, partners, and allies as we hold our responsibility and commitment to be strategic in how we advance our long-term goals and best position our coalition for the future.

Nothing changes the fact that affordable housing is Bay Area residents' number one concern -- nor shakes our resolve to make the progress we need and deserve with and for all of our neighbors and community members.


In Solidarity,

Amie signature
Amie Fishman,
NPH Executive Director


Non-Profit Housing Association of Northern California (NPH)
49 Stevenson Street Suite 500 | San Francisco, California 94105
415-989-8160 |

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